
Senin, 28 November 2011

Scott McCreery's Thanksgiving Parade lip synching fiasco

"American Idol" winner Scott McCreery committed a lip synching foul during Thursday's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
The cherubic singer missed his cue to begin crooning his hit single "The Trouble With Girls" during the festivities. That left McCreery miming vocal work after the song had started to play over the loudspeakers.
Bing: Listen to Scotty's new album 
Perhaps the reigning "Idol" victor isn't cut out for this whole live performing thing.
During this year's World Series, McCreery had to restart the National Anthem after his microphone malfunctioned. He then proceeded to flub the lyrics.
Thank goodness there were cameras on hand to capture his Macy's Day mistake.

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Baby Bump Watch: Beyonce

Ever since she announced her baby news, all eyes have been focused on Beyonce's fierce maternity style. From sequins to minidresses to incredibly high stilettos, Beyonce isn't letting dressing for two slow down her fashion choices. Click through to see the fun and stylish ways Beyonce is dressing up her baby bump.
What could be more fierce than a full-length brown dress with gold wing details framing her growing baby bumps? Only a woman like Beyonce could pull this look off and still look so glam with minimal gold accessories.less

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Jumat, 18 November 2011

Good Family Movies

One of the simplest and best ways to enjoy quality time with your family is to get a good DVD movie and watch it together in the comfort of your home. Here are some good family movies to watch together.
It is a Sunday and you want to plan a family fun activity. It is not always possible to go out. Suppose it is snowing? You need a fun option which you and your family can enjoy! So why not stay indoors and watch one of the good family movies? Which ones are the good family movies, you ask? Well, let me just get you started with this list. I'm sure that at the end of this, you will be coming up with better family movies on your own!

Now the secret to a good family movie is that it should be one that everyone enjoys. You cannot just have kiddie movies that parents won't like and you certainly cannot have the violent, racy, abusive ones. So here's a good family movies list which I think you and your family will love to watch.

Good Family Movies List
  1. The Home Alone Series: Based on a very simple concept, about the parents accidentally leaving the kid alone at home and how the kid single handedly tackles the bad guys, the Home Alone series was a raging hit when I was a kid and the one movie my parents always showed me. It is one of the eternally good family comedy movies which you and your family will enjoy.
  2. Stuart Little Series: Who said mice are abominable creatures? You sure wouldn't think so if you had that cute little mouse named Stuart! Of course there would be some skirmishes with Snowbell, the cat, but the goodness of Stuart will win over everyone in the end, including the viewers.
  3. Ratatouille: Of course a rat is not quite the same as a mouse! Ratatouille too is one of the most adorable movies of all time. Remy is a rat who dreams of becoming a big chef on day but is continuously undermined by humans and alienated by the rat community. Nevertheless little Remy does not give up and goes on to accomplish his dream.
  4. The High School Musical Series: A recent movie series that has really charmed everyone from the pre-teens to the parents, the High School Musical stars Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens in the lead, Vanessa playing the sweet, studious Gabriella and Zac playing the basketball jock, Troy. Their love for singing in the musical gets them together. But it is a sweet kind of high school love which parent won't mind showing their kids!
  5. The Princess Diaries: A real favorite among the girls, The Princess Diaries is a story about a young, geeky girl named Mia, who finds out that she is a princess. Her royal grandmother tries to transform this awkward, unpopular girl, played by Anne Hathaway into a woman with royal bearings.
  6. Shrek Series: A bit on the comical side, Shrek is a movie about the exploits of a cute ogre named Shrek, along with his friend Donkey. How he falls in love with the beautiful princess Fiona and how their love blossoms is the subject of the sequels.
  7. The Parent Trap: This is one of the very good family movies. This movie has twin daughters both played by Lindsay Lohan. Their parents are separated and living with one daughter each in England and US, never to meet again. But the daughters meet and realize that they are twin sisters and hatch a plan to get their parents back together. How they do it is the underlined concept of the film.
  8. The Harry Potter Series: Based on the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter films show the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter and his best friends, Ron and Hermione. A big hit among the teens and lovers of the books!
  9. Finding Nemo: Another great film coming from the Walt Disney stable, Finding Nemo is one of the good family comedy movies. Marlin, a clownfish, is out to find his son Nemo who was captured by a scuba diver. Will Marlin succeed in finding his son? Or will he to be captured and put in an fish bowl?
  10. Madagascar: Four animals stuck up in the New York City zoo dream of going out into the wild and living free, the way they were meant to. But when they actually arrive in Madagascar, they realize that living in the jungle is not very easy! This movie is about how these animals learn to live the 'wild' life!.
So these were some of the very good family movies. So now you never need to worry about being stuck at home and wondering what to do. Just keep some of these eternally lovable movies handy!
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Minggu, 13 November 2011

Slank Disappointed At the White Snake

YouTube - Can perform the opening concert at the event legendary band White Snake, indeed be proud nautical personnel Slank. But, despite his pride, they also keep a sense of deep disappointment.

While appearing in Singapore November 1, the personnel can not be disappointed Slank meet his idol the White Snake personnel backstage. In fact, Kaka, Bimbim and friends can meet in person is dreaming of the British band. Admittedly the manager, Mother IFET, Kaka and his friends seem disappointed.

"Slank be the opening band but can not and do not get to see the White Snake, that's how the committee, the most disappointed because it is very ngefans Kaka as the vocalist," said Mother IFET met at the show Slankers Independent Together, Regions Durentiga, Monday, November 7, 2011.

IFET Mother admitted she had long lobbied to be able to meet with the band Slank was his idol. Even the personnel Slank also briefly entered the chamber artist, but, still, their hopes dashed.

"Slank artist has entered the room and wanted to meet for photos together. It is also not permitted from them. The committee also gave up a concert for that matter," said Mother IFET again.

The concert was held in early November, Slank was successfully entertain the audience with 8 songs. Kaka even realize his desire to undress in front of the audience. But still, Kaka was disappointed.

"Kaka could open shirt in the concert. It is also a form of release and the disappointment is also on the management of White Snake himself. But yes please, we can concert or a show like in Singapore has been an interesting experience," said Mother IFET again.


Slank opening for Whitesnake

YouTube - Like a dream come true, Slank eventually gig with their idol band, Whitesnake. Slank will be the opening band Whitesnake in concert in Singapore, 1 November.

Slank vocalist Kaka admitted that he had idolized since Whitesnake was in high school. "In 1987, more industrious-getolnya I listened to Whitesnake. And there was the formation Slank his keyboard. So there is influence into Slank now," he said when met at the Headquarters Slank Slank in pencil Road, South Jakarta, Friday, October 28, 2011.

According to him, Whitesnake is a band that has the side, but also not out of the side of his rock and roll. "We're a little grimy herb Whitesnake, then we make our style concoction," he added.

The personnel Slank admit this is not the first offer that comes up to them for a gig in Singapore with international bands. Fronted band Kaka, Bimbim, Abdee, Ridho, and Ivan is often offered a concert in Singapore with foreign bands.

"Just this year we could and incidentally his band Whitesnake, we agree. Finally able to play in Singapore," said Abdee added.

The plan, Slank will be featured as the opening band White Snake concert to be held in Singapore and will bring 12 tracks for 45 minutes.

"We'll bring the songs from our album, the mix between Indonesian and English. We will also try to cover songs from international rock band," added Kaka.

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Devil found in detail of Giotto fresco in Italy's Assisi

ROME (Reuters) - Art restorers have discovered the figure of a devil hidden in the clouds of one of the most famous frescos by Giotto in the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi, church officials said on Saturday.

The devil was hidden in the details of clouds at the top of fresco number 20 in the cycle of the scenes in the life and death of St Francis painted by Giotto in the 13th century.

The discovery was made by Italian art historian Chiara Frugone. It shows a profile of a figure with a hooked nose, a sly smile, and dark horns hidden among the clouds in the panel of the scene depicting the death of St Francis.

The figure is difficult to see from the floor of the basilica but emerges clearly in close-up photography.

Sergio Fusetti, the chief restorer of the basilica, said Giotto probably never wanted the image of the devil to be a main part of the fresco and may have painted it in among the clouds "to have a bit of fun."

The master may have painted it to spite someone he knew by portraying him as a devil in the painting, Fusetti said on the convent's website.

The artwork in the basilica in the convent where St Francis is buried was last restored after it was severely damaged by an earthquake in 1997.

(Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Sophie Hares)


Britney Spears Uses Joe Jonas As A Stripper Pole During Racy PerformanceBritney Spears Uses Joe Jonas As A Stripper Pole During Racy Performance

By Radar Staff

Oops! She did it .... yet again.

Britney Spears put on a headline-grabbing performance during a London show at Wembley Arena on Monday night, grabbing Femme Fatale headlining act Jonas Brother, Joe Jonas out of the audience and giving him a super sexy and scandalous dance – and has the shocking photos!

PHOTOS: Britney Spears Uses Joe Jonas As A Stripper Pole

While performing her song Leather and Lace in a hot pink bustier and fishnet tights, the pop princess tied the 22-year-old to a stripper pole and proceeded to provocatively wrap her legs around his ears, grinding to the music.

Jonas, who has been opening for the 29-year-old singer on the European leg of her tour, was bashful throughout the sexy encounter in front of thousands of fans, keeping his eyes closed during most of the R-rated dance.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Kapolri: Imbalan dari Freeport Langsung pada Anggota

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA- Kepala Polri, Jenderal Polisi Timur Pradopo mengakui anggota polisi di Papua telah menerima dana imbalan dari PT Freeport Indonesia. Timur Pradopo juga mengatakan atasan di Papua juga mengetahui anggotanya menerima langsung dana imbalan itu dari perusahaan AS tersebut.

"Itu adalah di lapangan, langsung kepada anggota itu," kata Kapolri, Jenderal Polisi Timur Pradopo yang ditemui usai acara Serah Terima Jabatan di Ruang Rupatama Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat (28/10).

Timur menegaskan dana imbalan dari PT Freeport Indonesia langsung diberikan kepada anggota kepolisian yang bertugas menjaga keamanan di daerah pertambangan Freeport. Atasan polisi di Papua pun, lanjutnya, mengetahui adanya penyerahan imbalan tersebut.

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Komodo dan Nasionalisme Buta Kita

Di tengah minimnya kabar baik, berita soal komodo masuk sebagai salah satu nomine 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru oleh New 7 (Seven) Wonders of Nature tentu membuat bahagia. Setidaknya, akan ada satu lagi kekayaan Indonesia yang mendapat pengakuan dari dunia internasional.

Maka, berbondong-bondonglah berbagai figur publik menyerukan agar bangsa Indonesia menunjukkan nasionalismenya lewat mendukung komodo. Caranya? Dengan mengirim SMS ke 9818. Awalnya, SMS dukungan ini bernilai Rp 1000, sekarang, demi menggalakkan dukungan, SMS-nya hanya dikenai biaya Rp 1.

Pendukung kampanye ini tidak main-main. Mantan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla menjadi duta resmi pemenangan Pulau Komodo. Dari DPRD Manggarai Barat, sembilan hakim agung Mahkamah Konstitusi, MPR, berbagai pimpinan media massa dan pengusaha nasional, selebritas semacam Fadli 'Padi' dan RAN, Slank, bahkan sampai Presiden SBY pun menyerukan dukungan.

Kerjasama dengan empat provider telekomunikasi pun dilakukan demi melancarkan pemilihan via SMS. Saking menggilanya jumlah kiriman SMS untuk memenangkan Pulau Komodo, penyedia layanan SMS Mobilink pun sampai menaikkan kapasitas servernya. Bisa dipastikan, menjelang masa berakhirnya masa pemilihan pada 11 November nanti, dukungan akan semakin meningkat.

Jusuf Kalla memperkirakan, Pulau Komodo membutuhkan 30 juta suara untuk menang. Nah, sudah berapa banyak dukungan yang diperoleh Pulau Komodo sampai sekarang? Ketua Pendukung Pemenangan Komodo, aktivis lingkungan Emmy Hafild mengaku saat ini pendukung Komodo sudah mencapai puluhan juta, meskipun tidak boleh disebutkan detail berapa tepatnya voters yang mendukung Komodo.

Alasannya, "Peraturan dari panitia penyelenggara The 7 Wonders melarang peserta memberikan rincian voters karena kompetisi ini tidaklah menggunakan penghargaan juara satu, dua dan tiga," Jelas Emmy Hafild kepada wartawan.

Maladewa termasuk salah satu negara yang masuk dalam nomine 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru ini, tapi kemudian memutuskan mundur. Alasannya? Seperti tercantum dalam situs resmi pemasaran dan hubungan masyarakat Maladewa, bahwa penyelenggara tidak transparan dalam menjelaskan bagaimana cara mereka menghitung dukungan.

Itu baru satu alasan. Yang lainnya adalah biaya-biaya tak terduga yang terus meningkat jumlahnya. Mereka menyebut harus membayar sponsor platinum mencapai $350 ribu; dua biaya sponsor emas dengan total $420 ribu, mensponsori tur dunia dengan menerima kunjungan delegasi, menyediakan perjalanan balon udara, penerbangan, akomodasi, kunjungan wartawan; biaya $1 juta dolar bagi penyedia layanan telepon untuk berpartisipasi dalam kampanye New7Wonders; dan $1 juta lagi agar maskapai Maladewa bisa menempelkan logo New7Wonders di pesawat-pesawat mereka.

Biaya-biaya ini sangat besar hanya demi sebuah predikat 'ajaib'. Toh selama ini reputasi komodo sebagai tujuan wisata dunia juga sudah diakui.

Selain itu, bukankah biaya jutaan dollar itu bisa lebih baik digunakan untuk sebuah kampanye wisata Indonesia yang terencana (semacam Malaysia dengan Truly Asia-nya atau Thailand lewat Amazing Thailand-nya) daripada demi membayar biaya-biaya lisensi pada sebuah perusahaan yang tidak jelas reputasinya?

Yang perlu diingat lagi, bahwa lembaga New7Wonders yang mengadakan kompetisi ini sama sekali tidak terhubung dengan lembaga UNESCO di bawah PBB.

UNESCO sudah lebih dulu menetapkan Taman Nasional Komodo sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia pada 1986.

Bahkan, UNESCO sampai mengeluarkan pernyataan tersendiri demi menegaskan bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan dengan penetapan Situs-Situs Warisan Dunia sangat berbeda dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh New7Wonders (Pernyataan resmi dari UNESCO bisa dibaca di sini).

Sejak 2007, UNESCO menyatakan bahwa mereka sudah berkali-kali diajak bekerjasama oleh organisasi milik Bernard Weber ini, tapi mereka memilih untuk tidak berpartisipasi. Lembaga PBB biasanya menggunakan bahasa-bahasa yang diplomatis.

Maka ketika UNESCO mengatakan, "tidak ada yang bisa dibandingkan antara kampanye media yang dilakukan Tuan Weber dengan pekerjaan ilmiah dan proses pendidikan yang kami lakukan di UNESCO sehingga menghasilkan daftar situs-situs Warisan Dunia," itu artinya mereka sedang memberi peringatan keras akan cara kerja lembaga ini.

Lalu, kenapa kita masih ngotot memenangkan komodo dalam kompetisi yang tidak jelas cara penjuriannya ini? Yang jika kita menang pun, kita masih harus membayar biaya-biaya tinggi demi meraih pengakuan internasional?

Sebegitu hauskah kita akan pengakuan internasional dari lembaga yang reputasinya tidak jelas? Apa yang menurut Anda membuat berbagai figur publik seolah terbutakan akan fakta-fakta yang tersedia dan secara membuta mendukung komodo?

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Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Baru Sehari Menikah Sudah Dicerai, Zahrah Adukan Suami ke Polisi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,AMALAPURA--Zahrah (18) terpaksa melapor ke Mapolres Karangasem, Bali, karena baru sehari dinikahi oleh I Gede Karta (23), langsung diceraikan oleh suaminya itu gara-gara ibunya mendadak kesurupan.
Wanita asal Tuban, kawasan Kuta, Kabupaten Badung itu, kepada polisi mengaku bingung harus berbuat apa, sehingga memilih datang langsung untuk melaporkan hal yang dialaminya ke Mapolres Karangasem di Amlapura, Kamis.
"Saya tak mengerti kok bisa seperti ini. Baru sehari kami menikah, suami saya langsung minta cerai," katanya.
Ia mengaku pernikahan dirinya itu berlangsung Senin (13/6) di rumah orang tua Karta di Dusun Kuum, Desa Ababi, Kecamatan Abang, Kabupaten Karangasem.
Namun pada hari pernikahan itu, kata dia, ada kejadian yang bagi Zahrah sulit diterima akal sehat. Ketika prosesi pernikahan berlangsung, menurut Zahrah, mendadak ibu mertuanya kesurupan," jelasnya.
Ia sendiri tak mengerti arti dari kejadian itu, yang pasti hal tersebut membuat sikap pihak keluarga besar Karta kepada Zahrah berubah 180 derajat.
Menurut Zahrah, hari itu juga sudah mulai muncul gelagat kurang baik. Namun karena pernikahan itu terjadi atas dasar suka sama suka, dia tak terlalu ambil pusing.
Sayangnya perhitungannya itu meleset, entah karena tekanan keluarga atau lahir dari keinginan sendiri, keesokan harinya, tepatnya Selasa (14/6), Karta menyampaikan permintaan cerai.
Sikap sang suami itu tentu saja membuat dirinya tersentak. Di tengah kegundahannya, wanita ini pun berusaha untuk bertahan, mencoba menyelamatkan pernikahannya.
Namun di lain pihak, Karta rupanya sudah terlanjur gelap mata. "Permintaan cerai tak hanya lewat omongan," ujarnya.
Menurut Zahrah, hari itu juga suaminya itu menyodorkan surat cerai. "Dia minta saya menandatanganinya. Setelah itu dia mengusir saya," jelasnya.
Usai membuat laporan, Zahrah langsung diarahkan ke Sat. Reskrim Polres Karangasem untuk dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut.
Kepala Sub Bagian Humas Polres Karangasem AKP Made Wartamana mengatakan, saat ini laporan itu sedang didalami untuk dilakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut.
"Secepatnya akan kami panggil pihak terlapor, Karta," jelasnya.